Our childhood vaccine schedule is UNSAFE as it is administered and has never been studied for long term or synergistic effects.
MS has the most heavily vaccinated children in the United States, accomplished by implementing the most restrictive vaccine laws in U.S. yet MS has the sickest children.
Vaccine mandates are dictated by the CDC and required by the MS Department of Health. Currently 49 doses (by daycare) and 70+ doses (by high school) are required!
We want “informed consent” for parents in MS not a MANDATE required by a governmental agency. Canada, the UK, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, and several other countries have no mandated vaccines for school allowing free market to dictate vaccine uptake. Their children are healthier than ours, especially in MS.
Vaccine manufacturers are not liable in court (since 1986) for vaccine injury or death
Vaccines cause Autism most significantly in black baby boys
Physicians and insurance companies get bonus $ from ins. companies and government for quotas on vaccines
Many vaccines are cultured on Aborted Fetal Cells (from abortions) as is stated on vaccine manufacturer package inserts. The Religious Liberty (First Amendment rights) of parents in MS is being violated daily by our childhood vaccine mandates which offer no legitimate options.
47 healthier states allow parents to follow alternative vaccine schedules, offering religious and/or personal belief exemptions, since the beginning of vaccine mandates decades ago. The MS DOH has untrained administrative staff making decisions about our children regarding vaccine mandates and vaccine exemptions.
MS is losing educated professionals in large numbers who refuse to transfer here, or who are taking their bright children with them and moving to other states.